In this 21st century not a few religious people, both Muslim and outside the religion of Islam might be looking for what, who, how, where etc.. about the worship of the god and this question is always inherent in his mind, so sometimes they become stuck on their spiritual questions sediri. Are you also include them?, If you answered YES, then you should not say anything but you have to keep looking and looking on your behalf and scriptures that guide your life.
Remember, O my brother, especially the religion of Islam, our Prophet Muhammad SAW said. Awalludinni makhrifatullohitaala. and this knowledge should be found.
"Those who pursue a way to acquire knowledge, then God will make it easier for him the path to heaven. It is not a people gathered at the house of God, read the book of Allah and studying it, nicaya down to their tranquility, mercy covers them, the angels gathered around him and Allah mentions them in the presence of beings who are in His sight. "(Narrated by Muslim .)
Islam is a religion that makes scientific tradition as a mode of civilization. No other religions which make the process of seeking knowledge as a liability for its adherents, except Islam. Sebagimana has diriwatkan from Anas bin Malik from the Prophet Muhammad Sholallahu'alaihi Radhiallahu'anhu yours respectfully, he said,
"Seeking knowledge is fardhu (compulsory) upon every Muslim."
(Narrated Ahmad and Ibn Majah).
The obligation contains several consequences, one of which is any element of coercion if a person does not want to do anything in search of knowledge. Not one, but really wonderful if we could bring love in the process of seeking knowledge. As we find many hadith-hadith Rosullah that shows love of God to the seeker of knowledge. Look at how God gives the reward of Heaven to them, not even just that. God promises paradise that differ only by one degree with the Prophet. [1] God also showed his love by deploying an angel to guide seekers of knowledge. How happy they are because of the angels lay their wings to those who seek knowledge.
"Verily, the angels really put wings to those who seek knowledge, because reconciliation to what he was looking,"
(Narrated Al-Imam Ahmad and Ibn Majah).
Prophet illustrate that the excess above the knowledgeable experts such as excess worship the moon on full moon night of all stars
during the full moon, the moon shining meet space in the corners of the earth with a bright light.
That person knowledgeable, his heart will shine brighter careful man of darkness. Bright soul will provide guidance for those who pursue a path of divine truth ...
"Are the same people who know people who do not know?" (Az-Zumar: 9)
In his commentary, Sayyid Qutb states that science is right makhrifat, an understanding of truth, is opening the eyes of the heart, and an association with a variety of robust nature in this universe. Science knowledge is not a stand-alone, separate and just fill in reason, that is not up to the various nature of the universe, and do not reach what is in balilk a reality.
"Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who were given some degree of science." (Al-Mujadillah: 11)
Science that nurture the soul, and he was generous and obedient. Then faith and science is mengatarkan a user to a high degree with Allah. This degree mereupakan given in exchange for a place on the premises like the heart and obedience to the commands of Allah.
If God really loves the seekers of knowledge, why do not we change the way we interact with science? do not let us to study just because they had to or because of worldly ambition. Love science, because love can only be achieved with love, while science is one manifestation of love of God to creatures. Science is also light, he will not enter the caution in which there is servitude to the material.
Exsample struggle of Imam al-Tabari in search of knowledge. He was born from poor families but the spirit in search of knowledge is never impeded by the limitations of the family economy. His father is able to evoke love of science, so that when he was only 7 years old he had memorized the Qur'an and in the age of 9 he began seriously studying the hadith. When turn 12 years old (236H), al-Tabari released his father to begin a long adventure out of his homeland to seek knowledge that would later menobatkannya as a leading scholar of the works of magnitude is still admired and studied.
Finding true science will not allow the search process was tainted by the act which will cause the loss of keberkahaan science. He did not seek fame and title alone, so a really loves science will never stop learning even though he was already getting a pile of titles, because that is not its main purpose. People who mencitai science will always long to find something new and apply it in everyday life and a strong desire to share them with others. Seekers of knowledge are not selfish people who want to keep their knowledge to themselves.
Science will only open itself to the people who really fight. So do not be surprised if the obstacles and challenges in the search for knowledge is so varied and plentiful. A lover of science will not easily let alone to surrender to despair. The struggle to find God's wisdom in ocean science is is a jihad that demands sacrifice of body and soul, moral and material, because heaven can not be bought cheaply.
Travel along the contours of wisdom in a sea of Thy knowledge
It is a love that never ends
The love that gave me wings
To greet thy flying
Love on top of love
Who sow strength
Giving hope
To be able to look at your
Kalam-Kalam Wisdom invites us to reflect deeply on the definition of charity, qadha and Qadar, destiny and fate, endeavor, prayer and the promise of God Almighty, which are all spiritual educate for the enormity of what he saw bestowed by God Almighty to his servants Spiritual educated this way will form a charitable attitude, without looking to practice it, instead seeing it as a gift deeds of God Almighty who must be grateful ..
An educated person like this no longer make demands on God Almighty, but opened his conscience to accept taufik and guidance from God Almighty
People whose hearts are pure clean will receive emission Nur Sir and his eyes will see the nature that Allah is the Most Venerable, Blessed and Most High is not likely to be encountered and identified, except if he would be found and identified.
There is no science and charity that is able to convey a person to Allah There is no way to know God Almighty God Almighty only be recognized when he introduces 'himself'.
The discovery of the essence that there is no way that sticking to the gate makrifat a peak that can be achieved by science. Science can not go any further than that. If to know and acknowledge that there is no road or ladder that can reach Allah swt then someone is no longer rely on science and charity, especially to science and charity of others.
When you get here someone had no choice but surrender to Allah swt disepenuhnya
There are people who knocked on the gate makrifat with prayer. If the door is not open so his spirit will decline to take him to despair.
There are also people who hold the promise of Allah Almighty that He will open his way to his servant who was struggling in his way. There is strong he is doing a good deed for him more worthy to receive karnuia God Almighty as His promises.
He uses the power of righteous deeds to knock on the gate makrifat. If the door does not open too, then he will feel sad. In the course of looking for someone makrifat possibility can not be separated from the feeling of being hesitant, weak spirit and berputusasa if she was relying on something other than God Almighty
A slave no choice but to submit to God Almighty, only He has the absolute power in determining who among His servants who deserve to identify himself. Science and charity only be used to form a heart surrendered to Allah swt
Aslim or surrender yourself to God Almighty is stopping in front of the gate makrifat. Only the servants who reach the rest of this Aslim that likely receive karnuia makrifat. Almighty God deliver His servants here is a sign that the slave is prepared to meet Him.
Aslim is a border station with Allah Who came to this station must continue to immerse themselves into the lake of delivery regardless of much or little knowledge and a charity he had. Had Allah wills from the station of this servant was appointed to His Presence. The road to stop Aslim to the gate makrifat are generally divided into two parts.
The first road is called street people who are looking for two named roads and street people are looking for.
People who find going through the way in which he strongly do Mujahadah (struggling against the temptations of lust), robust perform acts of worship and love to study.
Outwardly busy carrying out the demands of re-enforce the Shari'a and inner faith. Learn and know the properties of the blame and try mengikiskannya from him.
Then loaded with the praiseworthy qualities.
Studied travel and melatihkan his lust for lust become increasingly sacred to increase the diridhoi ketahap Here is a man of God Almighty Allah narrated to his word:
"And those who strive to (seek keridhoan) We really will We show them Our streets. And verily Allah is with those who do good.." (Surah Al-'Ankabut paragraph 69).
People who bermujahadah in the way of Allah Almighty in a way to study, practice knowledge is required, multiplied worship, dhikr, purify the liver, then Allah shows the way by giving hidayat taufik and so open to him the atmosphere of surrender to Allah without hesitation and pleasure with the treatment of Allah swt
He was brought up to the gate makrifat and only God Almighty alone who determine whether people were going to be brought into His presence or not, given makrifat or not. Group of people who sought a different path than the group who are looking for. People who sought not inclined to study or do charity with diligence. He lived as a layman without earnestness bermujahadah. However, Allah has set a spiritual position to him, then fate will put him up to the predetermined position. People in this group are usually faced with an event which necessarily bring change to his life.
Changes in attitudes and behavior of a sudden force. Events that happen to him is always shaped the exam that decided to do with something that is a barrier of them by God Almighty When he was a king who led his kingdom burden he was unable to approach God Almighty, God Almighty revoke the kingdom from him.
Terlepaslah him from the expense and at the same time be an awareness in his heart that made him surrender himself to Allah with all his heart.
Had he a tycoon, destiny will diminish his property so he had nothing to depend upon except God himself. Had he dignitary, destiny and join revoke position is deprived of its glory, is also replaced with the humiliation that he had no place to go again except to God Almighty They returned with great humility to Allah and their hearts atmosphere arises in the delivery or Aslim really against God Almighty Submission that does not expect anything than the creatures made them pleased with what fate and treatment of God Almighty
The atmosphere here makes them up quickly to stop the gate of science and charity makrifat although they are still small. People who walk with disaster reinforcements capable vehicles to stop within a moment while people are looking for perhaps up to the door makrifat in a long time.
Abu Hurairah ra told me what he heard from the Messenger of Allah He said that meant: He said: "If I test My servants who believe and then he did not complain to the visitor, visitors then I remove him from the shackles, and I replaced him meat and blood better than the first, and he may renew its charitable causes and has forgiven all. "
Charitable goodness and knowledge are not able to take him to the position of spirituality that has been ordained by God Almighty, then God Almighty with His grace exam wearing a disaster that drew reinforcements quickly to the position of border with Almighty God therefore do not need to be questioned about the practice and science if circumstances this happened to a servant.
Creed sentence ************* ***************** TWO
Religious creed of Islam consists of two sentences, namely Ashadualla Ashaduanna ilahailallah and Messenger Muhammad. This implies that these words express faith in God with the realization that God is a WITNESS One and a mandatory worship and become WITNESS also that Muhammad is truly God's messengers and errand boy in the universe which includes seven layers of heaven and the seven layers of earth .
Brother, is not easy and not too hard to pronounce two sentences our creed, we see and hear little children with their easy to say that sentence and not a few adults who are hard to pronounce sentence, the instances when a leleki who want to marry a woman, where at the front of the prince of wedlock, they are hard to pronounce two sentences creed until maybe three times a recording saying it. Why is that so?
My brother, a peanut, if we peel in it is definitely in it, good or bad taste that it depends on the peeling choose peanuts.
Brother, there are peanuts in it, let alone / commodity (Sunda) Creed it is certain more enjoyable, even makes people who would be stunned if you already know the ISI of the two sentences of this Islamic Creed.
... ... My brother, if we already know the contents of Creed, means the beginning we headed makhrifatullah
... ... Want to know what's Creed, God willing, waiting for the next article. If GOD Almighty. Will surely bless written, perhaps it will be read directly by the brethren without writing, because GOD Most Gracious and Most Merciful.